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2018-2019 Committee Chairs

Michael Ford
Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart

Sarah Goldman
Albion College

Executive Board Liaison

Patrick Walsh
Illinois State University
(309) 438-2191


It was moved at the 2017 April Annual Membership Meeting that “the President and Executive Board consider creating an Ad-Hoc committee charged with assessing the current and future technological needs of the organization and exploring how we can meet those needs in a manner that is fiscally responsible but enables committees to further the work that supports the mission of our organization.”  The rationale of this motion is to encourage a re-evaluation of IACAC’s technology use, being more cost-effective, and better serving our constituents.

  • Survey Executive Board and Committees
  • Research and establish IACAC’s technology needs
  • Deliver a final report by March 1, 2019 with findings and offer recommendations on determining current technology needs and costs of IACAC, as well as creating a cost-effective technology plan that aligns with IACAC’s strategic plan.


[tribe_events_list category=”technology-needs”]

Michelle Rogers, Saint Louis University
Natalie Rubino, Glenbard West High School

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