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Government relations focus of Town Hall

  • June 14, 2012

By Bob ZigmundSaint Ignatius College Prep Laura Docherty opened the meeting by welcoming the crowd and discussed her excitement with the ongoing governmental relationships IACAC is experiencing both in the state of Illinois and in Washington D.C. Dr. Lynne Haeffele…

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President’s Update: Busy time of year for IACAC!!

  • March 26, 2011

Carin Smith, IACAC PresidentOur organization is busier than ever. Several committees have been putting in long hours working to make this professional association one of the best. As IACAC President, I have the privilege of sharing with you some of the highlights of their work and invite you to marvel with me at our accomplishments to date:

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Discuss Changes to Board Structure at the Town Hall Meeting

  • March 26, 2011

IACAC Board StructureHave you thought about getting more involved in IACAC but can’t get out of the office to attend board meetings?

Have you ever wanted to attend an IACAC Board meeting to better understand how the organization works?

Do you have some ideas on how IACAC can function most efficiently?

Do you have some ideas for new or existing committees and board positions?

Are you just curious?

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