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Seven Elected to Executive Board

  • May 19, 2011

2011-2012 Executive Board Left-to-right: Beth Arey, Frank DuBois, Julie Marlatt, Anita Carpenter, Roberto Suarez, Ziggy Blackwell, Patrick Walsh, Carin Smith, Todd Burrell, Laura Docherty, Robert Yerkan, Anne Kremer, Nate Bargar, Sacha Thieme At the membership meeting held during the Annual…

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President’s Update: Busy time of year for IACAC!!

  • March 26, 2011

Carin Smith, IACAC PresidentOur organization is busier than ever. Several committees have been putting in long hours working to make this professional association one of the best. As IACAC President, I have the privilege of sharing with you some of the highlights of their work and invite you to marvel with me at our accomplishments to date:

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2011-2012 Membership Year to Change

  • March 26, 2011

The annual membership year for IACAC is changing!  The Executive Board approved a proposal submitted by the Membership Committee at their January meeting to change the membership year from June 1- May 31 to October 1-September 30, effective October 1,…

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Discuss Changes to Board Structure at the Town Hall Meeting

  • March 26, 2011

IACAC Board StructureHave you thought about getting more involved in IACAC but can’t get out of the office to attend board meetings?

Have you ever wanted to attend an IACAC Board meeting to better understand how the organization works?

Do you have some ideas on how IACAC can function most efficiently?

Do you have some ideas for new or existing committees and board positions?

Are you just curious?

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Request a Proxy Ballot for IACAC Elections

  • March 26, 2011

Voting Ballot Elections

Executive Board Elections

Executive Board elections will be held during the Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, May 5. The meeting begins at 8:30 am. Voting cards and ballots will be available in registration packets on Wednesday and on Thursday until the meeting begins.

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New Committee to Study IACAC Board Structure

  • January 31, 2011

In the spring of 2010, President Carin Smith created an Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate the IACAC Board Structure. The committee is comprised of Co-Chairs Sandie Gilbert (retired, Highland Park HS) and Maryanne Kelly (Maine South High School), members Nate Bargar (Illinois State University), Bob Murray (Illinois Wesleyan University) and Amy Thompson (York High School). The committee was charged with analyzing the current executive board and committee composition to determine if restructuring would provide a more efficient and organized system that would better suit the needs of our members.

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President’s Update

  • November 14, 2010

Carin Smith, IACAC PresidentThe changes of fall surround us – amazing outdoor colors, crisp morning air, and shorter days. Tradition or change? Both, right? Certainly, here in the Midwest we know that we are experiencing a traditional fall – of change.

IACAC is experiencing the same, as it often does at this time of year. The new Executive Board is in place, Committee Chairs have been named and most have already been hard at work getting their committees and committee projects off the ground. We do this within the warmth of IACAC tradition and history. As IACAC President, it is incredibly rewarding to watch our 2010 Conference theme, Enhancing Tradition, Cultivating Change, continue to play out in the work we are doing.

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Call for Executive Board Nominations

  • November 14, 2010

The IACAC Nominations Committee, chaired by IACAC Past-President Marsha Hubbuch, is actively seeking candidates to run for positions on the Executive Board. Elections will be held during the Annual Conference in May 2011.

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