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Are You Willing To Go the Extra Mile?

  • January 31, 2011

Donate a silent auction basket for the IACAC Conference

Are you willing to go the extra mile? Each year, IACAC holds a silent auction during its annual conference to help raise funds to support our educational programs. We are now accepting donations, gift baskets and gift cards for the silent auction and would love your support!

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The Human Impact of Project Reach Donations

  • January 31, 2011

Project Reach

“Thanks to all of the generous donations from Project Reach, our homeless students received new book bags with packets of paper, notebooks, pens, pencils and calculators! We were able to stock the English department with Ayn Rand’s book; the library with The Great Books; the counseling and college lab with college and scholarship resource books; the math department with protractors and calculators. We also hosted a school-wide jeopardy contest (with college related questions offcourse) and prized winners with gym bags and book bags filled with lanyards, school supplies, and more!”

Yaneth Bello
College and Career Coach
Bronzeville Scholastic Institute, 2010 Project Reach Recipient

Project Reach is our professional organization’s service project and the recipient of this year’s award will be announced at the IACAC annual conference, Going the Extra Mile for Students. We hope to touch the lives of many students by collecting and donating school supplies and college counseling items to a high school (or high schools) in need.  We encourage IACAC members to donate new school supplies that are appropriate for high school-aged students/classrooms. Donations will be collected at each of the seven District Seminars held throughout the state in March 2011 and at the Annual Conference in Itasca from May 4-6, 2011.

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Help Name the Newsletter

  • January 31, 2011

The Media Communications Committee needs your help!

We’ve received some great submissions for the name of our newsletter and we would love to see more. Keep those creative ideas coming! We will make an announcement of the new name at the Annual Conference in May, so go ahead and send us your best ideas.

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Go the Extra Mile for Students – Conference 2011

  • November 14, 2010

IACAC Conference 2011 - Going the extra mile for studentsWhile we are in thick of our jobs, I am always impressed that we continue to make sure that our students come first.  By helping young men and women find the “right fit” for their future counselors consistently “Go the Extra Mile for Students.”  Our Annual Conference, May 4-6 2011, promises to be another learning experience and celebration of all the good that we do in helping students determine their future paths.

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Grant Opportunities

  • November 14, 2010

Apply today for professional development grants for the following events: IACAC Conference 2011, NACAC Guidng the Way to Inclusion (GWI) Workshop 2011, and the NACAC Conference 2011.

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Call for Annual Conference Committee Volunteers

  • November 14, 2010

IACAC Conference 2011 - Going the extra mile for studentsGo the extra mile – we need your help at the Annual Conference in May.

Committees include: Program, Registration, Entertainment, Hospitality, On-Site, Evaluation, Raffle, Exhibits, Communications & Social Media, Tellers, Project Reach, and First Timers. List a Conference committee, or just say “Any,” and let us assign you where we need help (unlimited members).

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