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Apply for a grant via the Professional Development Grants page.

Revised August 2023

  1. Eligibility
    1. Must be an IACAC Member in good standing
    2. Priority will be given to individuals/institutions who have not received a grant in the past two years
    3. Must fulfill the expectations of the grant requirements as stated
  2. Grants
    1. IACAC
      1. Transfer Summit
        1. Grants awarded covering registration fee of the Transfer Summit
      2. District Seminars
        1. Grants awarded covering registration fee to any of the District Seminars
      3. Annual Conference Grant
        1. Full and partial grants awarded
        2. Rules of IACAC Fiscal Policy apply
      4. Sharing the Dream
        1. Grants awarded covering registration fee of the Sharing the Dream Conference
      5. Middle Management Institute
        1. Grants awarded covering registration which includes double occupancy lodging and meals
      6. New Counselor Institute
        1. Grants awarded covering registration which includes double occupancy lodging and meals
      7. Summer College Tours
        1. Two partial grants awarded by Summer Tours Committee Chairs
    2. NACAC
      1. Guiding the Way to Inclusion
        1. Maximum award is $1,200 including registration and travel expenses
        2. This is a reimbursable grant and is payable after the conference
        3. Recipients must submit receipts and reimbursement form
        4. Rules of IACAC Fiscal Policy apply
      2. Admissions Middle Management Institute
        1. Maximum award is $425 including registration and travel expenses
        2. This is a reimbursable grant and is payable after the conference
        3. Recipients must submit receipts and reimbursement form
        4. Rules of IACAC Fiscal Policy apply
      3. Annual Conference Grant
        1. Maximum award is $1,200 including registration and travel expenses
        2. This is a reimbursable grant and is payable after the conference
        3. Recipients must submit receipts and reimbursement form
        4. Rules of IACAC Fiscal Policy apply
      4. Advocacy Day/Hill Day
        1. Maximum award is $1,000 including registration and travel expenses
        2. This is a reimbursable grant and is payable after the conference
        3. Recipients must submit receipts and reimbursement form
        4. Rules of IACAC Fiscal Policy apply
    1. Other Conferences
      1. Based upon requests and approval of the IACAC Grant Committee
      2. Past requests have been made for the following: AACRAO Tech and Transfer Conference, AACRAO International Education Services Conference, ISCA Annual Conference
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