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Registration for IRCFs and our National College Fair (INCF) will open mid-July. All other college/university registrations go through the host site. Student registration is through StriveScan.

Important: IACAC only manages registration for fairs indicated “Illinois Regional” on the calendar. The calendar includes IACAC Recognized, Transfer, City of Chicago, and local NACAC fairs; please contact these fair coordinators directly for registration details.

This calendar should not be interpreted as a blanket invitation to programs listed throughout. Illinois Regional College Fairs (IRCF) require registration and fees. Non-IRCF fairs will formally invite those institutions whose participation they desire. Admission representatives are welcome to contact individual fair organizers (listed with each program) to request an invitation. Representative trying to register on-site for programs to which they have not been invited to attend may find themselves being turned away.

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