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Welcome to the New Newsletter!

  • November 18, 2010

Welcome to the New NewsletterSince the Media Communications Committee was created last May, we have undertaken the task of improving the methods by which IACAC keeps members informed of news about IACAC and the college admission profession. With that goal in mind, we are excited to present to you our new electronic newsletter.

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President’s Update

  • November 14, 2010

Carin Smith, IACAC PresidentThe changes of fall surround us – amazing outdoor colors, crisp morning air, and shorter days. Tradition or change? Both, right? Certainly, here in the Midwest we know that we are experiencing a traditional fall – of change.

IACAC is experiencing the same, as it often does at this time of year. The new Executive Board is in place, Committee Chairs have been named and most have already been hard at work getting their committees and committee projects off the ground. We do this within the warmth of IACAC tradition and history. As IACAC President, it is incredibly rewarding to watch our 2010 Conference theme, Enhancing Tradition, Cultivating Change, continue to play out in the work we are doing.

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Illinois Takes Home Trifecta of Awards at NACAC

  • November 14, 2010

At the NACAC National Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, three members of IACAC were honored for their long-term commitment to our profession and serving students in their postsecondary transition. Marybeth Kravets (retired from Deerfield H.S.) received the Gayle C. Wilson Service to Education Award, Aliza Gilbert (Highland Park H.S.) received the Human Relations Award, and Marsha Hubbuch (retired from Riverside-Brookfield H.S.), for her initiation of Project Reach, received the Rising Star Award.

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Report from the Chief Delegate: 2010 NACAC Assembly

  • November 14, 2010

Attendees at the AssemblyStatement of Principles of Good Practice

The Assembly adopted proposed changes to the Statement of Principles of Good Practice: Education, Monitoring Policies, and Procedures submitted by the National Admissions Practices Committee.  The changes outline steps to refer cases from the affiliate AP Committees to NACAC, clearly state the range of possible penalties for noncompliance, and update routine language such as “state and regional” to “affiliate” and “accused” to “noncompliant party.

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Counselors Travel on the Plane O’Fun

  • November 14, 2010

On Sunday, July 18th, 37 counselors set out for a week of intense learning, great professional development and a bit of fun. The 2010 tour started at North Central College. Enduring intense heat and humidity the group toured their campus, had a very nice admissions presentation and a great lunch. From there, counselors boarded a bus and headed to O’Hare airport. Surprisingly, all members of the group made it through security with no problem, got on the plane and shuffled off to Buffalo.

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Inaugural Camp College

  • November 14, 2010

With the support of a NACAC Imagine Grant, IACAC hosted its first ever Camp College this summer. Culled from a group of 76 applicants, 33 students made the early morning train or car ride to Bradley University in Peoria on July 12, 2010. For many of the students, this was their first overnight visit to a college campus. The attendees represented 20 high schools or community organizations throughout the Chicago area and suburbs.

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Summer Institute Celebrates 40th Anniversary Success

  • November 14, 2010

Summer Institute 2010 - There's a map for that...This year, Summer Institute celebrated its 40th anniversary at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. In mid-July, twenty participants from across the Midwest were there to celebrate that achievement and attend professional development sessions to learn more about their profession.

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