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Update from Your NACAC Delegates

  • January 29, 2021

Brian Hodges University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Hello IACAC, On Monday, January 25, NACAC CEO Angel Perez and NACAC President Todd Rinehart shared proposed governance changes. The NACAC Board of Directors is proposing amendments to the by-laws that would enable ALL…

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A New Kind of Advocacy Day

  • January 29, 2021

Emily Tabeek Southern Illinois University Carbondale It’s that time of year! Around this time every year, the Government Relations Committee would be planning to hold our in-person Advocacy Day in Springfield. As with everything else, we have had to change…

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Introducing: Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

  • January 29, 2021

Joe Freeman Beacon Academy Sylvia Hernandez Michigan State University Over eighteen months ago, IACAC President Megan O’Rourke proposed the addition of special interest groups (SIGs) to our organization’s professional development offerings. The original plan was to roll this out during…

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The Business of Making the World a Better Place

  • January 29, 2021

Courtney Klinedinst University of Tennessee Knoxville We work in the business of making futures. Yep! We work to provide opportunities to students to reach their fullest potential; to find their strengths and passions, improve their skill sets, and take what…

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Member Spotlight: January 2021

  • January 29, 2021

This month's Member Spotlight features Sandie Gilbert, Retired from Highland Park High School and College Consultant at Ravinia College Consulting. How long have you worked in counseling? 26 years How did you get into counseling? I was teaching English and…

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Minutes in a Sec – November 2020

  • January 29, 2021

The “Minutes in a Sec” memo, a compilation of motions passed and highlights from our recent Executive Board meetings, is an effort to keep our membership more informed. As always, our Meeting Minutes are available at Meeting Minutes & Reports for…

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Keep the Gratitude Going

  • November 30, 2020

Traci Flowers Deerfield High School November is a month when we think about gratitude. In our November newsletters to students, we tell them it is an excellent opportunity to thank the teachers and counselors who worked hard to write their…

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Minutes in a Sec – September 2020

  • November 30, 2020

The “Minutes in a Sec” memo, a compilation of motions passed and highlights from our recent Executive Board meetings, is an effort to keep our membership more informed. As always, our Meeting Minutes are available at Meeting Minutes & Reports for…

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Undocumented Students

Small Action, Big Change

  • November 30, 2020

Sara Espinosa Illinois Student Assistance Commission Often, we wonder what we can do to help others, particularly our students. We think and plan for the many things that we could do to enact change to better serve our unique student…

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Giving Thanks for ICF Volunteers

  • November 30, 2020

Betsy Stevens University of Pittsburgh The Illinois College Fair Committee wants to extend a thank you to everyone who participated in the Virtual College Exploration for all Illinois Students this past fall. From the colleges and universities that presented, to…

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