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Counselors Travel on the Plane O’Fun

  • November 14, 2010

On Sunday, July 18th, 37 counselors set out for a week of intense learning, great professional development and a bit of fun. The 2010 tour started at North Central College. Enduring intense heat and humidity the group toured their campus, had a very nice admissions presentation and a great lunch. From there, counselors boarded a bus and headed to O’Hare airport. Surprisingly, all members of the group made it through security with no problem, got on the plane and shuffled off to Buffalo.

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Inaugural Camp College

  • November 14, 2010

With the support of a NACAC Imagine Grant, IACAC hosted its first ever Camp College this summer. Culled from a group of 76 applicants, 33 students made the early morning train or car ride to Bradley University in Peoria on July 12, 2010. For many of the students, this was their first overnight visit to a college campus. The attendees represented 20 high schools or community organizations throughout the Chicago area and suburbs.

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Summer Institute Celebrates 40th Anniversary Success

  • November 14, 2010

Summer Institute 2010 - There's a map for that...This year, Summer Institute celebrated its 40th anniversary at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. In mid-July, twenty participants from across the Midwest were there to celebrate that achievement and attend professional development sessions to learn more about their profession.

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Go the Extra Mile for Students – Conference 2011

  • November 14, 2010

IACAC Conference 2011 - Going the extra mile for studentsWhile we are in thick of our jobs, I am always impressed that we continue to make sure that our students come first.  By helping young men and women find the “right fit” for their future counselors consistently “Go the Extra Mile for Students.”  Our Annual Conference, May 4-6 2011, promises to be another learning experience and celebration of all the good that we do in helping students determine their future paths.

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Grant Opportunities

  • November 14, 2010

Apply today for professional development grants for the following events: IACAC Conference 2011, NACAC Guidng the Way to Inclusion (GWI) Workshop 2011, and the NACAC Conference 2011.

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