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Aspiring Professionals, Take Note and Send Notes

  • February 23, 2012

Last spring, I was asked to provide a welcome for a professional development event members of my admissions staff were hosting on behalf of IACAC. I welcomed the invitation—indeed I was enthusiastic about spending time with relatively new admissions professionals—but…

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Update on Connect 2012

  • February 8, 2012

Connect 2012, the IACAC Annual Conference is coming together piece by piece. Through a dedicated list of volunteers, the Annual Conference committee is putting together a conference that will not only provide you with many educational opportunities, but will allow…

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Executive Board Nominations & Re-Structuring

  • February 5, 2012

My husband is fond of saying in regards to being a parent, “it’s the toughest job you’ll ever love – and not get a weekly paycheck!” I have often felt the same about my opportunity to serve on the IACAC…

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Movers & Shakers: February 2012

  • February 5, 2012

Movers and Shakers is way to share professionally-related news about promotions or moves to other institutions. Congratulations to the following members on their achievements: Kelley Brooks promoted from Admissions Counselor to Admission Counselor Coordinator/Transfer Students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.…

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President’s Update: Exciting Start to 2012

  • February 5, 2012

IACAC is off to an exciting start in 2012. I want to thank all of the committee chairs and committee members who are working hard to ensure that our upcoming events are meaningful for all attendees. District Seminar registration is…

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Fillin’ in a FAFSA

  • February 5, 2012

There’s nothing magical about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It doesn’t guarantee a student’s acceptance into college. It doesn’t undo past mistakes or change biology grades from a D to an A. What advocating the FAFSA does…

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District Seminars: Sweep Away the Winter Blues

  • February 5, 2012

Let the fun begin and sweep away the winter blues! It's time for renewing friendships, building professional development, and networking with colleagues. Make it a New Year’s priority, and join us at one or more of the seven exciting IACAC…

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Meet a Member: Eric Ruiz

  • February 4, 2012

Each newsletter, we will focus on a member who has significantly contributed to fulfilling the mission of our outstanding organization. Name: Eric RuizTitle: Assistant Director of Undergraduate AdmissionsInstitution: University of St. Francis IACAC member for 4 yearsNACAC member for 1…

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You’re Invited: Advocacy Day in Springfield

  • February 4, 2012

The IACAC Annual Advocacy Day in Springfield is an event where IACAC members have the opportunity to share with legislators issues important to the organization and our ability to serve our students best interests. This year’s Advocacy Day will be…

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