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Movers And Shakers

Movers & Shakers: February 2015

  • February 26, 2015

Movers and Shakers is way to share professionally-related news about promotions or moves to other institutions. Congratulations to the following members on their achievements: Brian Albertsen from Admissions Counselor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to Senior Admissions Counselor at…

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District Seminars

Ground-Breaking Topics at This Year’s District Seminars

  • February 21, 2015

This year’s seminars include ground-breaking topics as well as foundational college and admission counseling training and will provide members the opportunity to build professional development, network with colleagues, and renew friendships. Make growing your professional knowledge a priority in 2015,…

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Share The Dream - Dreamers Welcome

Focusing on Undocumented Student Access in Chicago

  • February 21, 2015

By Luke Kerber, Inclusion, Access and Success Co-ChairAurora University On November 12, 2014, the Higher Education Civic Engagement Collaborative of Greater Chicago (HECEC) hosted an event at DePaul University’s downtown Loop campus that focused on undocumented student access. The event…

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President’s Update: January 2015

  • February 21, 2015

By Anne Kremer, PresidentDePaul University For me, the New Year always represents a sense of hope and a new energy. While I’ve never been great about creating New Year’s resolutions, this year I decided to give it a try. As…

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Educational Equity Beyond Access

Free Webinar: Holistic Support for Undocumented Students

  • February 5, 2015

FREE WEBINARHolistic Support for Undocumented Students in a Rapidly Changing Policy EnvironmentTuesday, February 10, 20151:00-2:30 pm CST The Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education (CCCIE), the Undocumented Student Program (USP) at the University of California, Berkeley, the National Forum on…

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Movers And Shakers

Movers & Shakers: January 2015

  • January 31, 2015

Movers and Shakers is way to share professionally-related news about promotions or moves to other institutions. Congratulations to the following members on their achievements: Terry Gilbert from Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, National Outreach at Purdue University to Associate Director of Admission at Carnegie…

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Visiting Our Elected Officials in Springfield

  • January 14, 2015

As the Government Relations Committee looks ahead to 2015, we are very mindful of the new challenges and opportunities that IACAC, our institutions, and the students we serve will face in the new year. Last November’s election ushered in many changes,…

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IACAC Annual Conference Raffle Committee

Join the Conference Raffle Committee

  • December 22, 2014

Have you been to the Annual Conference and seen beautiful baskets filled with wine, tickets to events, college swag, etc.? Or were you the lucky one to win $592? The Raffle Committee is essential to the Conference as well as the…

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