Movers & Shakers: May 2016
Movers and Shakers is your way to share professionally-related news about promotions or moves to other institutions. Congratulations to the following members on their achievements:
Senator Durbin’s Letter to Counselors Warning of Predatory For-Profit Colleges
Download the Senator Durbin's letter
Advocating for Students with Illinois’ State Treasurer
Members of IACAC meet with State Treasurer Michael Frerichs on April 13, 2016 for Advocacy Day. Frerichs is an outspoken supporter of the Monetary Award Program. Each year IACAC meets with influential legislators and other policy-makers at the state and…
Camp College and Motivate Me: A New Scholarship Creates New Opportunities
By Mark Crawley Governors State University As admissions professionals, we all know the value of higher education. We also understand the various challenges that many of our students face while making the idea of a college education a reality. A…
Tips for a First Time Conference Attendee
By Traci Flowers, Loyola Academy In three weeks, many of us will convene in Itasca, Illinois for the Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling annual conference. Personally, I am excited every year to attend this amazing professional development event, as I…
ILLINOIS Association for College Admission Counseling
By Nate Bargar, University of Cincinnati Each year before our Illinois team of delegates prepares for the National Association for College Admission Counseling National Conference and the Saturday morning Assembly, they are reminded that when Illinois speaks on this national stage,…
My Experience Attending a Conference on Transfer Students
By DJ Menifee, Knox College What better way to spend a few days in Atlanta, Georgia than to immerse myself in an environment dedicated to innovation of the transfer student experience? This time in the history of higher education is…