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New Membership Brochure Coming Soon

New membership brochure coming soon

Membership Brochure

By Ryan Downey, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Membership Committee Co-Chair

The Membership Committee has been hard at work developing an updated brochure to highlight the many benefits of the Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling. The Membership Brochure had been dormant since 2006 and the Membership Committee has decided to reproduce this piece.

The new Membership Brochure will highlight the benefits of IACAC, the Membership Directory, the formal Mentorship Program, ICE programs, the annual Conference, and this very newsletter, The Admission Essay. In addition, the brochure will also detail types of membership and membership dues, as well as showcase two professionals in IACAC in the Member Spotlight section. 

Details are still being finalized for the production and distribution of this publication, but it is the Membership Committee’s hope that all IACAC Members will have access to copies to help promote and encourage new membership.

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