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Minutes In A Sec – November 2019

Minutes in a Sec – November 2019

The “Minutes in a Sec” memo, a compilation of motions passed and highlights from our recent Executive Board meetings, was presented this past spring in an effort to keep our membership more informed. The IACAC Secretary and Media Communications team look forward to sharing this with you on a regular basis. As always, our Meeting Minutes are available at Meeting Minutes & Reports for your review after they are approved at the next Executive Board Meeting. Please enjoy these highlights.

IACAC Executive Board Meeting
Friday, November 15, 2019
University of St. Francis


  • Treasurer: The Finance committee met at NACAC and continues to work on a thorough review of the fiscal policy and is looking to create a Request for Proposal for a new auditor.
  • Chief Delegate: During the 2019 NACAC annual conference, delegates voted to remove three sections from NACAC’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (CEPP) and hopefully bring an end to a two-year Department of Justice investigation. A new membership structure was approved opening NACAC membership to a wider audience and will become effective in year 2021.
  • President elect: The IACAC annual conference registration will open late January/early February.
  • Past President: The Nominations deadline is January 15, 2020. The committee will meet on Friday, January 31 to review and recommend a slate of candidates to the Executive Board for approval at the March Executive Board meeting.  Open positions: President-elect (secondary member), Secretary, Treasurer-elect, Delegate Directors (one postsecondary & one secondary member), Council Team Directors (two secondary members).
  • President: Consider ways that your committees can support the following vision for the remaining fiscal year: developing an inclusive membership dues structure, plan the 2023 IACAC Annual Conference, support innovative and forward-thinking programs, and seek to increase awareness of issues facing our most marginalized students, their counselors, and admission professionals.


  • Szczepanski motioned to approve the May board meeting minutes, P. Welsh seconded. Motion carried.
  • Szczepanski motioned to withdraw the original CPS membership proposal motion. Motion withdrawn.
  • Cooksy motioned to donate $100 towards a retirement gift for Joyce Smith, S. Szczepanski seconded. Motion carried.
  • Koziol motioned to restructure the unplugged portion of the ISU State Articulation, A. Braden seconded. Motion carried.
  • Solomon motioned to adjourn, A. Cooksy seconded. Motion carried.

Please see the complete version of the IACAC Exec Board November 2019 Meeting Minutes available on the IACAC Website.

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