A Reflection on Middle Management Institute 2016
IACAC’s Middle Management Institute took the show on the road this year at Butler University in Indianapolis for two great days of professional development. Two of our twenty attendees took some time out of their fall travel schedule to share their experience from MMI 2016.
Nathan Kober
Associate Director of Admission
DePauw University
My experience at MMI came at a pivotal time in my professional career. Fresh off the completion of my 4th year in the admission world, I was unsure as to what the next steps may be for me. Completing the DISC assessment was a unique way to start the conversation and laid a nice groundwork for me understanding what type of person I am in the workplace and how I might interact with others who have different styles then my own.
The interaction with various other admission professionals was the most valuable to me. The nice part was there was so much variance in the experiences of the upper level admission counseling representatives. I appreciated the honesty and transparency of the panelists and presenters. Overall, I left with a rejuvenated spirit for my work and a motivation to mold a position in upper management that best fits my style and goals.

John McGreal
Regional Recruitment Manager
The University of Alabama
MMI was a FANTASTIC experience. I was able to come back to my institution and role with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of enrollment management, my role as a middle manager, and some great new connections within this career. Personally, I have noticed, through the DISC assessment and conversation, that I have a greater understanding of the personalities in my office and on my team. This has allowed me to become a more effective manager, team member, and allows me to manage up better. Beyond the self and team discovery that happened, I personally enjoyed hearing unfiltered information from Deans, Directors, and VPs on what they are looking for in their middle managers and how best to move up with in the field. It has given me a renewed focus on my career goals. Lastly, we had a session on what Enrollment Management is on a macro and a micro level from a current VP for Enrollment Management. This experience plus the people I was able to meet from the speakers to the conference team to my fellow attendees has really shaped how I have operated this year. I feel I am better prepared to move up within our world of Higher Education as a direct result of MMI.
Thank you to Butler University for their wonderful hospitality! We are excited to announce that 7th Middle Management Institute will take place at College of DuPage in Glen Ellen, Illinois during the summer of 2017. We encourage all admission professionals with more than three years of experience to consider attending! Stay tuned for additional details about dates and times.