Meredith Eskoff
Transfer Counselor
Northern Illinois University
The cheers and applause can still be heard from last Friday’s first IACAC transfer summit. The conference room was filled with about 200 higher education professionals from around the country who came together to gain new perspectives, ideas, and information on how to best serve our transfer population. Nothing like this has been held before, and judging from the excitement in the room, everyone knew how much a summit like this was and is needed!
The energy of the summit never diminished. Amazingly, it grew stronger throughout the program. From the welcome, into the breakout sessions, and to the closing note during lunch, every person in attendance was eager and motivated to be a part of something so special. As a transfer admissions counselor, I enjoyed sessions on new recruiting efforts used by both two year and four year institutions. While networking, I gained valuable information about working with adult learners. During the breakout sessions, I learned about building and improving a transfer team. These were just the sessions I chose to attend. There were several other options as well.