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Block Vote on 18 By-Law Amendments to Re-Structure the Executive Board

The following 18 by-law amendments, which would allow for the re-structuring of the IACAC Executive Board, as set forth by the Credentials Committee and in consultation with the current Executive Board and Ad Hoc Committee on Board Structure, will be offered for vote as a block and not voted on individually. This is being done because of the interdependence of one change in the block upon another.


ARTICLE II. Executive Board.

Old Language:

The Executive Board of IACAC shall consist of the Officers and Directors of IACAC and the IACAC Delegates to the NACAC Assembly and shall be responsible for the management and direction of the affairs of IACAC and shall control the expenditure of funds by IACAC in accordance with Section 6 of Article VI. All Executive Board members shall assume their IACAC duties on June 1 of the year in which elected. Delegates to the NACAC Assembly, in compliance with the NACAC By-Laws, shall assume their NACAC duties on July 1 of the year in which elected.

New Language:

The Executive Board of IACAC shall be responsible for the management and direction of the affairs of IACAC and shall control the expenditure of funds by IACAC in accordance with Section 6 of Article VI. The Executive Board shall consist of the Cabinet and the Council, comprised of IACAC Directors and Delegates to the NACAC Assembly. Executive Board members shall assume their IACAC duties on June 1 of the year in which elected. Delegates to the NACAC Assembly, in compliance with the NACAC By-Laws, shall assume their NACAC duties on July 1 of the year in which elected.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article II. Executive Board.

Old Language:

Section 2. Officers
The Officers of IACAC shall be President, President-Elect, Most Recent Active Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each Officer shall be elected from the voting membership of IACAC. The Secretary shall serve a term of two years. The Treasurer shall serve a term of two years. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of the President; the President shall automatically succeed to the office of the Most Recent Active Past President upon the completion of their respective terms.

New Language:

Section 2. Cabinet
The Cabinet of IACAC shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Most Recent Active Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each cabinet member shall be elected from the voting membership of IACAC. The Secretary shall serve a term of two years. The Treasurer shall serve a term of two years. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of the President. The President shall automatically succeed to the office of the Most Recent Active Past President upon the completion of their respective terms. The Executive Assistant shall serve as a non-voting member of the cabinet.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article II. Executive Board.

Old Language:

Section 3. Directors.
There shall be six Directors of IACAC. Four of the Directors shall be elected from the voting membership of IACAC, two engaged in postsecondary educational counseling and two engaged in secondary school counseling. Two Directors shall be elected from the voting membership of IACAC as Regional Professional Development Directors. One Regional Professional Development Director shall represent the northern region of the state and the other shall represent the southern region of the state. Directors shall serve two-year terms which shall be staggered to the extent reasonably feasible.

New Language:

Section 3. Council Team Directors.
There shall be four Team Directors of IACAC. All four of the Team Directors will be elected from the voting membership of IACAC, two engaged in postsecondary educational counseling and two engaged in secondary school counseling whenever possible. Team Directors will serve two-year terms which shall be staggered to the extent possible.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article III. Officers and Directors.

Old Language:

ARTICLE III. Officers and Directors
Section 1. Duties of Officers.

New Language:

ARTICLE III. Cabinet and Council
Section 1. Duties of Cabinet Officers


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article III. Cabinet and Council.
Section 1. Duties of Cabinet Officers.

Old Language:

D. Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the annual membership meeting, all other general membership meetings, and the Executive Board meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for correspondence as referred by the President.

New Language:

D. Secretary.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of the annual membership meeting, all other general membership meetings, the Executive Board meetings and the Finance Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for correspondence as referred by the President. The Secretary will serve as a member of the Media Team.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article III. Cabinet and Council.
Section 1. Duties of Cabinet Officers.

Old Language:

E. Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the official financial records of IACAC and for performing other financial transactions. The Treasurer shall be chairperson of the Finance Committee and shall submit an annual report to the general membership at the annual meeting.

New Language:

E. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the official financial records of IACAC, performing other financial transactions, and monitoring fund development. The Treasurer shall be chairperson of the Professional Development Grants Committee, Finance Committee and shall submit an annual report to the general membership at the annual meeting.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure. If any fund development occurs it would be the responsibility of the Treasurer to monitor the fundraising and development activities. The Treasurer will also chair the newly established Professional Development Grants Committee.


Article III. Officers and Directors

Old Language:

ARTICLE III. Officers and Directors
Section 2. Duties of Directors.

New Language:

ARTICLE III. Cabinet and Council
Section 2. Duties of Council Team Directors


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article III. Cabinet and Council
Section 2. Duties of Directors

Old Language:

Section 2. Duties of Directors.
Directors shall assume the responsibilities assigned to them by the President or the Executive Board. Among these responsibilities shall be chairing, a standing committee or subcommittee of IACAC. Regional Professional Development Directors shall oversee the activities of the District Coordinators in their region.

New Language:

Section 2. Duties of Council Team Directors.
Directors shall assume the responsibilities assigned to them by the President or the Executive Board. Among these responsibilities shall be co-chairing one of the four Council teams as defined in the IACAC by-laws. Directors shall oversee the activities of the standing committees that report to their assigned team: Member Relations, Student and Family Outreach, Professional Development or Media.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article III. Cabinet and Council.
Section 3. Duties of Delegates.

Old Language:

In addition to representing IACAC in the NACAC Assembly, each Delegate shall serve as a chair or member of at least one standing committee. Additionally, Delegates shall assume the responsibilities assigned to them by the President or the Executive Board.

New Language:

In addition to representing IACAC in the NACAC Assembly, each Delegate shall co-chair one of the four Council teams; Member Relations, Student and Family Outreach, Professional Development or Media. Additionally, Delegates shall assume the responsibilities assigned to them by the President or the Executive Board.


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article V. Committees.

Old Language:

ARTICLE V. Committees

New Language:

ARTICLE V. Council Teams and Committees


Necessary re-wording for compliance with new Board Structure.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees

Old Language:

Section 1. Standing Committees

New Language:

Section 1. Council Teams

  1. Member Relations Team will oversee the work of the following committees: Admission Practices, Government Relations, Membership and Professional Liaison
  2. Student and Family Outreach Team will oversee the work of the following committees: Illinois College Exposition (ICE), National College Fair and College Awareness and Preparation (CAP)
  3. Professional Development Team will oversee the work of the following committees: District Seminars, Mentorship, Summer Tours, Summer Institute and Human Relations
  4. Media Team will oversee all IACAC communication – such as, but not limited to: print, electronic, and social media; the team will work closely with the IACAC Webmaster and Communications Specialist, and will oversee the work of the Media Communications Team.


Council Team has been added to reflect the Executive Board Restructure; A, B, C, and D have been added to reflect the newly identified teams and the committees that are the subparts to them.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.

Old Language:

Section 1. Standing Committees.

New Language:

Section 2. Standing Committees.


Changing Section 1. to Section 2. due to the addition of Team as Section 1. as a result of the Executive Board restructure.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

Old Language:

B. Alumni Committee. The Alumni Committee shall be responsible for integrating services of and for retired members into the activities of the association, and shall be responsible for developing programs and sessions designed to assist members in planning for retirement.

New Language:

B. None


The Executive Board re-structuring requires that the Alumni Committee be moved from a standing committee to a subset of the Member Relations Team. The currently allotted budget for the Alumni Committee will be moved to membership.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

New Language:

P. Professional Development Grants Committee.
The Professional Development Grants Committee shall be responsible for promoting, reviewing and awarding grants for professional development opportunities within IACAC and NACAC. This committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer.


The Grants Committee is currently an unofficial committee responsible for awarding grants for professional development opportunities to IACAC members for both IACAC and NACAC Professional Development activities. When the Grants Committee originally formed, it was part of each year’s Annual Conference Committee as it only awarded conference grants. The financial stability of IACAC and its commitment to professional development for its members has allowed the Grants Committee over the last few years to award grants for a number of professional development opportunities, not just the IACAC annual Conference. 

Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

New Language:

Q. Professional Liaison Committee – The Professional Liaison Committee shall be responsible for communicating and coordinating IACAC services with like organizations, who offer expertise to individuals throughout the State of Illinois seeking counseling and information regarding postsecondary admission and financial aid. Examples of such organizations would be ISAC, ISCA, CPS, etc. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.


The Executive Board re-structuring allows for the establishment of the Professional Liaison Committee as a standing committee.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

New Language:

R. District Seminars Committee – The District Seminars Committee shall be responsible for creating, coordinating, and implementing IACAC District Seminars in Region 1 and Region 2. These seminars will address guidance and admission concerns for high schools, community colleges, four-year colleges and universities. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.


The Executive Board re-structuring allows for the establishment of the District Seminar Committee as a standing committee. The work of this committee will incorporate the work previously performed by the Professional Development Directors.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

New Language:

S. Summer Tours Committee – The Summer Tours Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing summer bus and/or plane tours to colleges for counselors involved in the college transition process. Membership should have some carry-over from year to year.


The Executive Board re-structuring allows for the establishment of the Summer Tours Committee as a standing committee. In the old board structure, summer tours were an informally recognized offshoot of the Summer Institute Committee.


Article V. Council Teams and Committees.
Section 2. Standing Committees.

New Language:

a. Admissions Practices Committee
b. College Awareness and Preparation Committee
c. Conference Committee
d. Credentials Committee
e. District Seminars Committee
f. Finance Committee
g. Government Relations Committee
h. Human Relations Committee
i. ICE/Calendar Committee
j. Media Communications Committee
k. Membership Committee
l. Mentorship Committee
m. National College Fair Committee
n. Nominating Committee
o. Professional Development Grants Committee
p. Professional Liaison Committee
q. Summer Institute Committee
r. Summer Tours Committee


Puts all standing committees in their proper alphabetical order.

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