High School and Community College Visit Guide is Back
College Directors, Ziggy Blackwell and Nate Bargar, are pleased to report that the High School and Community College Visit Guide will be back for the 2012-2013 recruitment season. With a huge hand from IACAC Webmaster, Dan Saavedra, the 2012-2013 Visit Guide will be completely online.
Features of the new web format include plotting nearby schools using a map similar to Google Maps, customizable facts about each high school, as well as the ability to print desired information. Instead of buying a specific amount of High School Visit Guides for each office as in years past, each office will have its own username and password to log into the Visit Guide. That account will allow all members of the office to utilize this great resource. Accounts will expire yearly to ensure renewal and cost per access code is yet to be determined.
The goal is to provide IACAC members with an easy to use service, with complete access to critical visit information for Illinois high schools. The features of the map will improve a traveling counselor’s understanding of how to contact and schedule high school visits in an efficient manner. More detailed information about the Visit Guide and when exactly it will launch will be forthcoming, so keep an eye out for future information!
Nate Bargar, Illinois State University
Ziggy Blackwell, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
IACAC College Directors